Monday, April 12, 2010

localhost Wordpress The requested not found

If you have your local Wordpress installed ,you most often will get  this error message appeared on your browser:

 Not Found 
The requested localhost/xxxx was not found on this server.

It could be very frustrated when you try to search out the solution and visit those sites that suggest you to reinstall or import your database,well you did backup your database.So,whats the last solution?

What causing this error? After spending hours finding the solution, i found out that WAMP or any other similar localhost webservers which let us that host a server at a local computer do not have mod_rewrite enabled by default.

The AllowOverride directive is set to none by default WAMP server installation, causing Apache to ignore an .htaccess file. If this is the case, your WordPress installation might return a 404 error, stating post not found and you would only be able to access your posts via a home page or set to default permalink structure.I.E. http://localhost/yourwebsitefolder/?p=321.(if you have set a Custom permalinks)

How to solve eror massage that saying your page is not found on the server:

1. Go to your server app directory ,open the httpd.conf file with a text editor. In WAMP server, this file can be found in the \apache\conf directory.or you can do a seach via "window serach".Just search for the "httpd.conf".

2.Find the following line of code in that file.

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

3. Remove the # from the line as seen below to enable the module: Just for information, # symbol is actually a comment syntax for httpd.conf. So this should look like this.

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

4. Search for AllowOverride in this httpd.conf file until you come to a line similar of the following:

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride none
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

5. Verify if AllowOverride All is indicated. Change “none” to “all” if found otherwise so this should look like this.

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

6. Save the httpd.conf file and Restart your wamp server. (Click on the ‘moon’ in the icon tray and select Restart Services)

7. Login to your WordPress admin panel and set your custom permalink structure as desired.

These steps also can be a solution if you try to set a Custom permalinks on your local host worlpress.Work like a champ.

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